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Andrew Pepper

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Work on show at Whitstable Biennale

Thursday, 10 May 2018 11:41 Published in News

A new work has been included in Analogue Ensemble : Extending the Frame, Whitstable Biennale. 

Curated by Cathy Rogers it featrures; Amy Dickson, Simon Payne, Andrew Pepper and Mary Stark.

Bringing together holograms, woven film, recorded mobile phone performance and a classic avant-garde film used anew as a graphic score, the exhibition explores the relationship between screen space, physical space and the experience of viewing moving image within the conditions of the gallery.

More details here.

Analogue Ensemble: Extending the Frame

Thursday, 26 April 2018 13:21 Published in Group Exhibitions
Analogue Ensemble: Extending the Frame, Whitstable Biennale 2018. 
A new work, Lean Two, by Andrew Pepper, has been made specifically for the show and develops from an earlier examination of placement, framing and the peripheral view.
Analogue Ensemble: Extending the Frame - an installation of experimental artist film, video and 3D light works featuring; Amy Dickson, Simon Payne, Andrew Pepper and Mary Stark. Bringing together holograms, woven film, recorded mobile phone performance and a classic avant-garde film used anew as a graphic score, the exhibition explores the relationship between screen space, physical space and the experience of viewing moving image within the conditions of the gallery.

Studio 3 Gallery, University of Kent, School of Arts, Canterbury, UK.

More details at www.whitstablebiennale.com/project/extending-the-frame

Exhibition dates:  Preview in connection with the Whitstable Biennale - 26th April 2018

Open to the public 10th May - 8th June 2018


Andrew Pepper works with projected light, holography and installation.  Based in the UK,  he has exhibited his work in group and solo exhibitions internationally and, as a senior lecturer in fine art at Nottingham Trent University, he taught on the BA (Hons) fine art course, the Master of Fine Art course and has acted as a PhD examiner for a wide range of key project-based research submissions.


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